1- Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University
2- Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University , elaheaminifar@sru.ac.ir
Abstract: (75 Views)
Background and Purpose: The present study seeks to identify the mistakes in solving mathematical
verbal problems in deaf and hard-of-hearing students who have completed elementary school.
Method: For this purpose, interviews were conducted with eight hard-of-hearing and deaf female students
in 7th grade with using a qualitative approach and a task-based interview method. After conducting and
implementing interviews, identifying errors, and classifying them based on Newman's framework, subcodes
of errors were explained by comparative and inductive content analysis. According to the findings, 17
reading errors (4.39%), 63 comprehension errors (34.61%), 39 conversion errors (21.42%), 50 processing
skill errors (27.47%) and 22 decoding errors (17.05%) were identified.
Results: Overall, results showed that deaf and hard-of-hearing students who participated in this
research were unable could not to apply mathematical algorithms to solve textbook problems and in realworld
conditions. They had problems understanding a real-world situation correctly and formulating it in
mathematical terms.
Conclusion: The recommendations to help the students’ problems in solving verbal problems have been
outlined. Therefore, it is recommended to modify the textbooks and adjust teaching styles to suit students
with special needs.
Article number: 3
Type of Study:
Original Article |
Hearing Impaired Received: 2023/Jul/Sat | Revised: 2024/Nov/Tue | Accepted: 2024/Jan/Wed | Published: 2024/Nov/Tue | ePublished: 2024/Nov/Tue
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