Volume 1, Issue 156 (4-2019)                   J Except Educ 1398, __(156): 41-54 | Back to browse issues page

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hendi T, hemmati S. Inclusion of children with special needs in preschool. J Except Educ 2019; 1 (156) :41-54
URL: http://exceptionaleducation.ir/article-1-1323-en.html
1- University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences
2- University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences , sahel.hemmati@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (3358 Views)
Inclusive Education is as a promising education for young children with special needs. Studies in this more focused on inclusive school-age and less will be discussed in pre-school ages. Inclusive education of children with special needs in kindergarten has been increased during the past few decades and many children who previously been in separate centers, now they are in inclusive kindergartens. Studies in preschool inclusive settings represent many advantages for children with and without special needs. They more success and progress achieve towards children in kindergarten special. However, the main element of making a successful inclusion is availability prosperous strategy and training teachers. Despite strong support for the inclusion system in the kindergarten, unfortunately studies in this field are poor
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Type of Study: Review Article | Subject: Inclusive Education
Received: 2018/May/Tue | Revised: 2019/Dec/Sun | Accepted: 2019/Mar/Mon | Published: 2019/Jul/Wed | ePublished: 2019/Jul/Wed

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