Abstract: (13099 Views)
Social skills are a set of behaviors aimed at helping learners to establish positive interactions with others. Teachers, classmates and other school staff interact with others in school. Positive interactions may also occur between coworkers, administrators, friends or visitors in lifetime. In inclusive education the students with special educational needs study in mainstream education classes side by side with other students while using services of resourceful professional teachers as facilitator. Students with special educational needs have difficulty in interaction with peers in mainstream education classes. Inclusive education should include strategies for increasing social acceptance of learners with special educational needs to be more effective.
In this essay, we define the characteristics of socially competent people describe the problems of learners with special educational needs in special social skills and the diagnostic methods of students who have difficulty in interaction with others. Furthermore, we explain the necessity, goals and the methods of teaching social skills to the student with special educational needs.
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General Received: 2015/Jan/Sun | Revised: 2015/Jan/Sun | Accepted: 2015/Jan/Sun | Published: 2015/Jan/Sun | ePublished: 2015/Jan/Sun