Volume 4, Issue 182 (10-2024)                   J Except Educ 1403, __(182): 108-108 | Back to browse issues page

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Azadyekta M. Development of a Package of Self-Care Solutions for Mentally Retarded Students based on Religious Teachings During Puberty (Grounded theory study). J Except Educ 2024; 4 (182) : 1
URL: http://exceptionaleducation.ir/article-1-2749-en.html
Islamic Azad University , m.azadyekta@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (216 Views)
Background and Objectives: The purpose of this research was to prepare a sexual self-care package
for mentally retarded students based on religious teachings.
Methods: Research method, foundation data, and in order to gather information from an analyticallibrary
approach using psychological books and articles in the field of self-care, sexual health, as well
as narrative books, rulings and religious sources, as well as interviews with experts in religious sciences
and psychologists in the field of sexual self-care. became. Extraction of relevant articles from reliable
domestic and foreign citation databases with keywords "maturity, self-care, religious teachings" as well
as related narrations was done through the Jamari-al-Hadith software.
Findings: By examining the articles, books and traditions, 47 core codes were obtained, which were
placed in the form of 18 selective codes, and based on that, a training package was compiled based on
the opinions of 15 experts in behavioral and religious sciences and religious texts, and its validity and
reliability were examined. And it was approved.
Conclusion: Considering that the package developed in the current research was approved in terms of
validity and reliability, therefore it can be said; One of the influential factors in sexual self-care is informing
the family and the student; Creating self-care skills and strengthening behaviors that prevent sexual
deviations leads to the sexual health of mentally retarded teenagers, so including the sex education
program in the "family education" programs of schools; It is important to increase the information and
awareness and literacy of teachers as those who, after parents, have a great influence on the education
and fate of students, and also to provide suitable solutions or necessary interventions in the field of sexual
Article number: 1
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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Mental Retarded
Received: 2024/Apr/Fri | Revised: 2024/Nov/Tue | Accepted: 2024/Aug/Tue | Published: 2024/Nov/Tue | ePublished: 2024/Nov/Tue

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