arjmandnia A, mojaver S, rostami S, dorosti M. The effectiveness of parenting training for mothers with
children with intellectual disability on Enhancement executive
functions (attention, inhibition and active memory) and reducing
behavioral problems of these children. J Except Educ 2023; 6 (172) : 6
1- University of Tehran. ,
2- University of Tehran.
3- Allameh Tabatabaei University
4- , Azad University of Urmia branch
Abstract: (1122 Views)
Objective: Students with intellectual disability have less adaptation in the school and home environment
than normal students, and the behavioral problems of these students are more compared to normal students.
Also, these students have defects in executive functions such as attention, inhibition, and active memory,
which has a negative effect on their cognitive, behavioral, and academic performance. Therefore, the aim of
the current research was the effect of parenting training for mothers with children with intellectual disabilities
was on increasing executive functions (attention, inhibition and working memory) and reducing the behavioral
problems of these children.
method: The current research was conducted using a semi-experimental method with a pre-test and posttest
with a control group. The statistical population of the study included mothers of children with intellectual
disability in exceptional schools in Shiraz in 2021-2022. 20 qualified mothers were determined by the
purposeful sampling method. Rutter's behavioral problems scale (1967) and Gioia et al.'s (2000) behavioral
rating scale of executive functions were used as pre-test and post-test in this research, and using random
assignment, they were divided into two experimental and control groups (15 people for each group). they got.
The experimental group received 11 sessions of parenting training (attention, inhibition and active memory)
as a group, and the control group did not receive any intervention. SPSS 21 software was used for data
analysis and multivariate covariance analysis test was used for data analysis. Probability values less than
0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Results: The results of this research showed that parenting training increased the attention, inhibition and
active memory of these students (p<0.001). Also, parenting training reduced behavioral problems and
dimensions of aggression, depression and anxiety, social incompatibility, antisocial behaviors and lack of
attention of children with intellectual disabilities (p<0.001).
Conclusion: The results of the research showed that the behavioral problems of children with intellectual
disabilities in a group of mothers who received parenting training, compared to the group that did not receive
any training, were reduced and the executive functions of these children were also improved.
Article number: 6
Type of Study:
Original Article |
Mental Retarded Received: 2022/Nov/Sat | Revised: 2023/Apr/Sat | Accepted: 2023/Jan/Sat | Published: 2023/Apr/Sat | ePublished: 2023/Apr/Sat
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