Volume 2, Issue 174 (7-2023)                   J Except Educ 1402, __(174): 84-84 | Back to browse issues page

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gharagozlu M, Kalantari Dehaghi H. Comparison of visual emphasis methods in computer-assisted instruction on reading & phonological awareness of dyslexic children. J Except Educ 2023; 2 (174) :84-84
URL: http://exceptionaleducation.ir/article-1-2531-en.html
1- Malayer University
2- Malayer University , haniyehkalantari@gmail.com
Abstract:   (488 Views)
Background & Purpose: Employing the principle of emphasis in educational messages helps a lot to
overcome reading disorders. the aim of This study was comparing visual emphasis methods in computer
assisted insruction on reading performance and phonological awareness of dyslexic children.
Materials & Methods: The method of research was quasi-experimental with a pre-post-test design with
a control group. The statistical population includes all 7 to 11-years-old dyslexic students of Malayer, who
received services in learning disorders centers. 60 students were selected by random sampling and placed
in four groups (3 experimental and 1 control group). The measurement tools were reading and phonological
awareness tests. The intervention was a researcher-made presentation in the PowerPoint, that presented
words in three forms: letter by letter and consecutive, with internal emphasis, and with external emphasis.
After conducting the pre-test in all groups, the samples in 3 experimental groups received interventions
for 5 weeks and in total 10 sessions along with other common trainings in centers. Then, post-test was
performed for all groups and the means were analyzed using the multivariate covariance test.
Results: The results revealed that there was no significant difference between the sequential presentation
method, internal emphasis, and external emphasis on the reading accuracy of dyslexic children, while there
was a significant difference on their reading speed and comprehension, as well as phonological awareness.
Conclusion: It is recommended to use this method of presentation along with trainings of learning disability
centers and to check the effectiveness of this method in presenting sentences.
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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: مشکلات یادگیری
Received: 2022/Sep/Wed | Revised: 2023/Jul/Sun | Accepted: 2023/Jun/Tue | Published: 2023/Jul/Sun | ePublished: 2023/Jul/Sun

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