Abstract: (12849 Views)
Recent studies have reported the discovery of a group of neurons in the motor cortex of the brain's gray. These neurons are called mirror neurons. Rizzolatti and colleagues in 1990s discovered the first mirror neuron system in monkeys in the University of Parma. Mirror neurons in brain are responsible for understanding the actions and intentions of others. The mirror neuron system has an important role in understanding the actions of others and may require the ability to learn through observation and imitation in humans .Neurophysiology numerous studies have demonstrated .The neurons in the brains of children with autism spectrum who are seriously injured as a consequence of the defect Behavior is evident in imitation and theory of mind. This paper studies mirror neurons in seeking to explain their functions Imitation and theory of mind, autism spectrum children. The findings may be helpful in teaching children with autism spectrum.
Type of Study:
Review Article |
General Received: 2014/Feb/Mon | Revised: 2014/Dec/Mon | Accepted: 2014/Feb/Mon | Published: 2014/Feb/Mon | ePublished: 2014/Feb/Mon