Volume 6, Issue 128 (1-2015)                   J Except Educ 1393, __(128): 46-61 | Back to browse issues page

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Mottaghinia M R, Veiskarami H A. Web Based Training for Students with Special Needs: Conception, Issues and Planning.. J Except Educ 2015; 6 (128) :46-61
URL: http://exceptionaleducation.ir/article-1-195-en.html
1- Exceptional education bureau , mr.mottaghinia@yahoo.com
2- University of Lorestan
Abstract:   (9683 Views)
Background: Web based training is one of the new instructional technologies that could have created a suitable environment for instruction-with regarding acquisition knowledge approaches of constructivism and objectivism and by applying computer and web. Since students with special needs have some limitations in learning, rather than normal ones, it seems that web based instruction have an important role in compensation of this learning limitations. With reviewing of related studies of web based instruction field, current article attempt to introduce theoretical bases and information, guidelines and steps of planning and evaluation, an example of instructional model, effectiveness, privileges and defections upon web based instruction for students with special needs. Conclusions: Results indicate that web based instruction enable probability of learning for students with special needs in any field, any time and any place by providing attractive contents. Regarding to the problems about distance instruction, it needs to plan and improve elements of web based instruction programs for special needs students by attention to these problems.
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Type of Study: Review Article | Subject: General
Received: 2014/Jan/Sat | Revised: 2015/Mar/Wed | Accepted: 2014/May/Wed | Published: 2015/Mar/Wed | ePublished: 2015/Mar/Wed

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