Volume 1, Issue 144 (3-2017)                   J Except Educ 1396, __(144): 58-65 | Back to browse issues page

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mohamadzade A, ghamarani A. Introducing the Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses to Identify and Diagnosis Children with Specific Learning Disabilities. J Except Educ 2017; 1 (144) :58-65
URL: http://exceptionaleducation.ir/article-1-989-en.html
1- University of isfahan , am.omid20@yahoo.com
2- University of isfahan
Abstract:   (5382 Views)

Background: Children with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) include 5.4% of the all population. The Purpose of this Study was introducing the pattern of strengths and weaknesses to identify and diagnosis of children with SLD. Therefore, the books and scientific papers were reviewed from scientific databases, since 1995 until 2016. The literature review showed that the pattern of strengths and weaknesses is one of the models that are used to identify children with Specific learning disorders. The pattern of strengths and weaknesses includes three model 1- Aptitude-Achievement Consistency, 2- Consistency-Discrepancy, 3- Concordance-Discordance, which all of them evaluate abilities and disabilities in children with SLD.

Conclusion: The pattern of strengths and weaknesses can identity abilities and disabilities in cognitive and academic skills and relationship between them offers overall profile of child with SLD.

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Type of Study: Review Article | Subject: مشکلات یادگیری
Received: 2016/Nov/Sat | Revised: 2017/Aug/Mon | Accepted: 2016/Dec/Wed | Published: 2017/Jun/Wed | ePublished: 2017/Jun/Wed

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